Monday, August 17, 2009

Legistation Introduction

"The Clean Water Act regulates discharges from drinking water and wastewater treatment facilities into lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater. The handling and disposal of residuals and solids from water and wastewater treatment facilities are governed by state and federal laws and regulations. Water treatment residuals and solids are a combination of the chemicals used in the treatment process and the silt and other materials removed from the raw water."

Where does your wastewater go? Think about it. When you flush your toilet, do you know where the wastewater goes?

This begs an investigation into wastewater practices by urban cities. How bad is it out there?

First Post

Started to document the issues facing the fresh water supply on the planet and direct the discussion towards forming community and solving large scale water problems facing our earth.

Water has the single ability to give life and take it away. We are here to give life with the emphasis on preserving precious resources on this planet.

Warm Up:

From Asia, we find the current news: